Ping a range of IPV4 and resolve its hostnames via
Here’s a simple PowerShell code snippet to ping a range of
an IPV4 addresses and any IP address that will reply will be shown as per the sample
output below.
(240..254 | ForEach {
write $_
Test-Connection -computername "192.168.8.$_" -count 1 -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' | Format-Table -AutoSize
240..254 –- change this to a
desired IP range from 1 to 254.
192.168.8.$_ -- change this IP
Address on the IP Address configured or set on the network
-count 1 –- ping 1
-erroraction 'silentlycontinue'
–- this will not display any errors on the screen if the IP Address can’t be found
or is not set to reply to ICMP or ping protocol
Format-Table -AutoSize –- if
the device will reply with the hostname then the full name will be displayed on
the screen and not truncated
Sample Output:
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