Managing Office 365 via PowerShell CLI needs to have proper access rights or privileges.
Connect-exchangeonline -userprincipalname
PowerShell for Office 365 is very handy. Below are just a few examples that might save some time and focus on other important task, or just simply enjoying more coffee time.
Get or list aliases of a mailbox, email account or group
Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Name of the Mailbox" |
Select-Object DisplayName,@{Name=”EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses
|Where-Object {$_ -LIKE “SMTP:*”}}} | ft -wrap
List the Primary Email of a group's mailbox using the group name.
Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Name of the Mailbox" | Select-Object DisplayName,PrimarySmtpAddress
Change group primary email.
Set-Unifiedgroup -identity "Group Name to change
email" -primarysmtpaddress
Create a new group with the email address.
Access Type can be set, value can be Public or Private.
New-Unifiedgroup -DisplayName "Group - Name" -EmailAddresses "" -AccessType Public
Changing email group access type from Public to Private.
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Group - Name"
-AccessType Private
Set or create an alias of the group.
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Group - Name"
-EmailAddresses: @{Add =""}
Add an email to the group.
Add-UnifiedGroupLinks –Identity
"" –LinkType "Members" –Links ""
Above command adds a single email to the group.
To add multiple emails use this small PowerShell snippet.
"c:\tmp\emails-group.csv" | foreach-object {
$email = $_.members
Write-Output $added_email
emails-group.csv need to follow this format.
1st Row value should be the literal text--> members
2nd row onwards are the email accounts to b added to the
Till next time. Stay safe! and keep things up!
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