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Showing posts from December, 2023

Check Time zone in Linux and windows machines

In Linux, open a terminal window and type the following command: timedatectl | grep "Time zone" In Windows, open a command promot and type the following command: tzutil /g To set a new timezone in Windows, open an elevated command prompt. Check out this link to set a new Time zone: Checking Time Zone will clear up things, if the machine timing is properly sync or not. Or why machine is having a different time with the current location. Stay safe! and Keep things up! Another year is coming! Do ASAP,  A lways  S ay  A   P rayer ... Practice O.T.G. =  O bedience  T o  G od Make time for Prayer and Meditation. Take time to kneel down and Pray! Practice F.IF.T.H (Firm In Faith Towards Heaven)