How to optimize PNG files before publishing to Google Play?
PNG optimization removes unnecessary metadata thus, reducing the file size of the PNG file.
Iconography in Android recommends to optimize PNG files, which can be found on this link.
OptiPNG is a free software that can do the task to optimize PNG files, OptiPNG can be downloaded on this link.
OptiPNG is a tool that runs on the command line.
At command line type: Optipng without any parameters to display the options in using the tool.
Or type: optipng -h
To to optimize a single PNG file, type: optipng my_icon.png
OptiPNG will optimize my_icon.png.
That command will come handy when optimizing two or three PNG files.
When your developing an android applications and there are lot of PNG files that need to be optimized, it will not be ideal to type one by one every single PNG file.
Since OptiPNG is a command line tool, batch file script would be the best choice to automate the process if you're running Windows OS.
Here's the simple batch file script to optimize PNG files:
@echo off
set cnt=0
for %%v in (D:\Optipng\*.png) do (
optipng "%%v"
call set /a cnt=%%cnt%%+1
echo Total pngs found and optimized = %cnt%
That's it just put the PNG files in the folder where the OptiPNG command resides and run the batch file.
Copy and paste to notepad and save it as "Optix.bat", Or any batch file name you want. Don't save the batch file as OptiPNG in order to easily distinguish the batch file and the executable file.
PNGCrush is a tool also to optimize PNG files which can be downloaded on this link.
Cheers!! Hope it helps...
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