Query a user account in Active Directory using PowerShell.
This will need to have Active Directory module loaded on PowerShell.
Code is:
Get-ADUser 'xMenUser' -properties PasswordLastSet,whenCreated | select UserPrincipalName,whenCreated,PasswordLastSet | Format-List
This line select UserPrincipalName,whenCreated,PasswordLastSet instruct PowerShell that only this object properties are needed on the output.
A convoluted output which is hard to read, will take a lot of time to get what is needed.
So it's good to be specific and just get what is actually needed.
This piece of code below queries Active Directory for the specified user account.
And it will display the properties of the user account being queried and displays its UPN name, when the account was created and when the last time the password was set.
Get-ADUser 'xMenUser' -properties PasswordLastSet,whenCreated | select UserPrincipalName,whenCreated,PasswordLastSet | Format-List
Sample Output below:
UserPrincipalName : xMenUser@xPlanet.com
whenCreated : 1/1/2011 09:00:07 AM
PasswordLastSet : 1/2/2013 01:00:08 PM
Get-ADUser can also take an input parameter using UPN; for whatever instances that you will need it.
Here's the command below on how to do it:
Get-ADUser -Filter 'UserPrincipalName -like "xMenUser*"' -Properties whencreated | FT Name,SamAccountName,whencreated -A
Sample output of the above command:
Name SamAccountName whencreated
---- -------------- -----------
xMenUser xmenuser 1/1/2011 09:00:07 AM
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Where-Object { $_.SID -eq "S-0-7-21-5626-string-IDX-007"} | select name
Above command will display the name which corresponds to the particular given SID.
There’s a lot more on AD PowerShell, but that’s a simple query to get started and get the job done.
Hope it helps!!!
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