If you are new to PowerShell or either you've been working for quite some time on Windows PowerShell one way or another you will still need to look or check the help statement.
Why would you need help on PowerShell if you consider yourself as an expert?
Well, if you can't lower your ego or pride and you have the guts to remember 2,300 or more cmdlets then you really don't to check the help statement.
As for me, Help statement in PowerShell is always my companion.
Syntax of Help Statement in PowerShell:
Get-Help Name_of_CmdLet
Get-Help Get-ChildItem
But to have a more detailed or helpful output.
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Example
Above command will show examples of Get-ChildItem cmdlet.
You can also use the -detail parameter which will show examples and some description:
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Detail
Or type:
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Full
Basically, the parameters for help are: -Example -Detail and -Full
And another helpful command in PowerShell is Get-Alias
Aliases in PowerShell abbreviates cmdlets.
Get-Help GCI -Full
is equivalent to: Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Full
Open PowerShell ISE or launch the PowerShell terminal.
Type: Get-Alias
It will display all the aliases, aliases saves time for typing but could be confusing to read. But if you get the hang of it then it comes very handy. Save bytes and few type strokes.
Output below of Get-Alias is just a part of the output (it's not the whole output)
CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Alias % ForEach-Object
Alias ? Where-Object
Alias cat Get-Content
Alias cd Set-Location
Alias chdir Set-Location
Alias clc Clear-Content
Alias clear Clear-Host
Alias clhy Clear-History
Alias cli Clear-Item
Alias copy Copy-Item
Alias cp Copy-Item
Alias cpi Copy-Item
Alias del Remove-Item
Alias diff Compare-Object
Alias dir Get-ChildItem
Alias ebp Enable-PSBreakpoint
Alias echo Write-Output
Alias epal Export-Alias
Alias ft Format-Table
Alias gal Get-Alias
Alias gc Get-Content
Alias gci Get-ChildItem
Cheers! Hope it helps!!!
Why would you need help on PowerShell if you consider yourself as an expert?
Well, if you can't lower your ego or pride and you have the guts to remember 2,300 or more cmdlets then you really don't to check the help statement.
As for me, Help statement in PowerShell is always my companion.
Syntax of Help Statement in PowerShell:
Get-Help Name_of_CmdLet
Get-Help Get-ChildItem
But to have a more detailed or helpful output.
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Example
Above command will show examples of Get-ChildItem cmdlet.
You can also use the -detail parameter which will show examples and some description:
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Detail
Or type:
Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Full
Basically, the parameters for help are: -Example -Detail and -Full
And another helpful command in PowerShell is Get-Alias
Aliases in PowerShell abbreviates cmdlets.
Get-Help GCI -Full
is equivalent to: Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Full
Open PowerShell ISE or launch the PowerShell terminal.
Type: Get-Alias
It will display all the aliases, aliases saves time for typing but could be confusing to read. But if you get the hang of it then it comes very handy. Save bytes and few type strokes.
Output below of Get-Alias is just a part of the output (it's not the whole output)
CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Alias % ForEach-Object
Alias ? Where-Object
Alias cat Get-Content
Alias cd Set-Location
Alias chdir Set-Location
Alias clc Clear-Content
Alias clear Clear-Host
Alias clhy Clear-History
Alias cli Clear-Item
Alias copy Copy-Item
Alias cp Copy-Item
Alias cpi Copy-Item
Alias del Remove-Item
Alias diff Compare-Object
Alias dir Get-ChildItem
Alias ebp Enable-PSBreakpoint
Alias echo Write-Output
Alias epal Export-Alias
Alias ft Format-Table
Alias gal Get-Alias
Alias gc Get-Content
Alias gci Get-ChildItem
Cheers! Hope it helps!!!
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