Check hard drive space to avoid unnecessary downtime just because of space problem.
PowerShell scripts will come handy to check hard drive space and run on task scheduler at a specified time.
PowerShell scripts will come handy to check hard drive space and run on task scheduler at a specified time.
Technet articles already have codes on how to do it, but it may not suit the requirements you want to achieve.
So, tweak the code and creativity come in.
Truncate FreeSpace String
Windows PowerShell Tip of the Week
Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {[math]::truncate($_.freespace / 1GB)}
For detailed explanation for the above command, check the Technet link.
Scripting Guy
PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Get a List of All Volumes
Command below list volumes or drives available on the computer taken from above link.
This command list the drive letter of network mapped drives, local drives or external USB storage.
GET-WMIOBJECT win32_logicaldisk | FORMAT-TABLE
Using the above commands, it can be easily tweak and modified to get the drive space for a particular drive letter.
To declare a variable in PowerShell you need to add a dollar sign before the variable name.
And PowerShell automatically sets the variable as an array.
Two birds hit in one shot, a variable was declared and array variable as well.
So if the variable is assigned to a cmdlet and the cmdlet output holds a lot of data.
Then, data can be retrieved one by one.
See example below.
Using the command below, it will get all available drive letters on the computer.
$xDriveLetter = (GET-WMIOBJECT win32_logicaldisk).DeviceID
#will display all drive letters found on the system
Write-Output $xDriveLetter
To monitor a specific drive or a particular drive letter.
Then data has to be retrieved from the array.
PowerShell array begins at index zero.
Example, if the computer has 10 drives and assigned letters starts from letter C.
Variable $xDriveLetter, will have a value of C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K and L.
Not necessarily that it will be in sequence just an example.
Each value is assigned to an index number starting from zero.
C is assigned to index number zero, D will take one and the number continues till the last value.
Example, if need to monitor the hard disk space on C drive.
Then write-ouput command should be written like this:
Write-Output $xDriveLetter[0]
Write-Output $xDriveLetter[index_number]
Just enclose the index number in brackets, and then it will display the indexed data.
To display all the data on the array, just remove the brackets.
To determine which index number to used, display all data and count the output starting from zero.
So much for the whole story, here's the full PowerShell code snippet to monitor C hard drive space.
Assuming that the C drive letter is indexed at zero.
Just replace the index number on the array variable to monitor another drive.
The script below will check if space is less than or equal to 10GB then it will display "Drive is at minimum space.Critical".
You can also set a script to send an email when it detects that space is almost gone.
10GB may seem a lot but not if you're dealing Terabytes of data.
10GB is just equivalent to 5 movies of Matroska videos.
Anyway, here's the code:
$xDriveLetter = (GET-WMIOBJECT win32_logicaldisk).DeviceID
Write-Output $xDriveLetter[0]
$xFreeSpace = (Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {[math]::truncate($_.freespace / 1GB)})
$xValue = $xFreeSpace[0]
Write-Output $xValue
#10GB Hard drive space
$xMonitorValue = "10"
If ($xValue -le $xMonitorValue)
write-host "Drive is at minimum space..Critical" -BackgroundColor DarkRed
#or Send email for alert notification
#or Send email for alert notification
write-host "Drive Space still okay" -BackgroundColor DarkGreen
Sample Output:
Cheers! Hope it helps!!
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