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Outlook keeps disconnecting and laptop no network or WiFi

Outlook is a very good tool, however if it gives some issues, it can ruin your day or your mood to work.

Well, as the odds say nothing is perfect and even the flowers on the field that looks so beautiful will one day fade away. Same goes with our electronic devices, you just don’t know when it will go south. It might even give you issues when you needed it most to work properly, and sometimes that will be the time that it will not work as expected.

Anyway, problems will always be there. The only question is, how will you face the issue or problem?

For Outlook not responding and also the network or WiFi keeps disconnecting even though your phone or other devices or laptop has no issue to the network. It seems that the laptop has been singled out, and that’s the only device on the network that is not working.

There are various approaches to solve this issue. Sometimes, it’s the same issue Outlook not responding or no network, but then different ways to resolve the problem.

Yes, “restart” or “shutdown” does it wonders at times. However, if restart, shutdown, pulling out the network cable and turning on and off the WiFi, still same issue Outlook not responding and network seems to have same issue as well.

One thing I would check,  is the Outlook “Outbox”. Outlook has a limitation of 20MB attachment or it can be even lesser depending on your network policy. And Outbox on Outlook will always try to keep sending, from time to time if it has emails that has not yet been sent out.

So, if Outbox has items greater than “20MB” when Outlook tries to send it but cannot send, it will try again in a few minutes depends on the Outlook settings when to retry sending again the mail. While Outlook, keeps on retrying to send the email, the Outlook will result to disconnection. And sometimes, the network will also get affected since Outlook of course will need the gateway or the network to connect and send the email.

If the Outbox has indeed a lot of mails that has not yet been sent out and has attachment larger than the allowed 20MB attachment, remove or clear the Outbox items. Of course, make sure to save it as a draft if needed or just delete the email and try creating again.

After deleting the Outbox items, close “Outlook” and check “Task Manager” whether Outlook still running and end the process if still there. If have the freedom to restart the laptop, it would also be great to restart. Otherwise, try launching Outlook again and check if Outlook will still experience disconnection.

If the issue doesn’t happen again, then Outbox Items could be the culprit.

Other ways, that might help to resolve Outlook disconnection if Outbox items is empty.

Open windows run, by pressing windows key + r. This will open “run” box and type:

Outlook /safe 

If Outlook runs properly and able to send out mails, Close Outlook and run it again so it will run in normal mode.

However, if Outlook still have the same issue and not able to send out mail in Outlook safe mode then check if there are any 3rd party plugin that causes the issue.

If still unable to send email, just check whether Outlook is set to offline.

If everything else fails, and need to send email urgently. Use “webmail”.

For office 365 webmail, open browser and type:

If above nothing works, ask help from your IT Support, or System Administrator or just simply ask other colleagues whether they have the same issue or maybe they know how to do it since they have encountered same issue before.

Link that describes Outlook 20MB Maximum attachment.

If there's a need to send large files, these tool can be used: OneDrive, SFTP, Dropbox, Teams or other method that can send large files.

Cheers! Take care. Till next Time. Be patient with your IT issues! It's not the end of the world.

Stay safe! and Keep things up! 

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  1. Excellent post, Thanks for sharing this.

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