Querying when was the last time the server or computer is essential in troubleshooting or auditing the server.
Or in production system, computers or servers, must scheduled a downtime and let stakeholders know that at this specific date and time there will be a down time and services will not ne available at the said time and date.
Even in development servers or computers, checking when was the last time the computer restarted or shutdown is quite essential.
If the application is buggy, or has some memory leak or other issues then it will cause the system to reboot, shutdown or crash.
PowerShell comes in handy in querying event log; when was the last time the computer has shutdown or rebooted.
Of course, event log can be checked manually. But scrolling through the 100 or thousands of event logs is quite tedious.
So, PowerShell comes to a rescue and avoid the tedious, manual finding of the event log.
Here's a sample code snippet on how to query Windows event log when was the server or device has rebooted or shutdown.
PowerShell code snippet to query or check shutdown event log:
$shutdownEvent = Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 1 -Message "*Shutdown Type: power off*" | ft -Wrap
write-output $shutdownEvent
Sample Output for above command:
PowerShell code snippet to query or check reboot event log:
Get-WinEvent -LogName *System* | Where-Object {$_.Message -like '*reboot*' } | Select-Object -First 1| ft -Wrap
Sample Output for above command:
That's it, code snippet can be expanded, customized or it can be tailored to something else that would fit as required in your environment.
Cheers! Take care. Till next Time.
Stay safe! and Keep things up!
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