With the era of WSL, Windows Subsystem for Linux is quite helpful. You can now run Linux commands on Windows with ease, or without installing any virtualization software.
Of course, having VirtualBox installed with Linux is a different story, since you can have a pure Linux environment.
Anyway, WSL provides an easy way to view size or capacity of Windows folder without any scripting using PowerShell or installing any Sysinternal tools.
How to view folder sizes in human readable format in Windows using WSL?
If WSL has been installed and working correctly, open Windows Terminal an awesome command-line shell application, in which you can run multiple Windows in one screen. And you can also position different windows terminal, either horizontally or vertically and Terminals can be resized the way you wan it. Grab windows terminal from Microsoft Store and for the prize of free.
Once the Windows Terminal is open, just cd or browse to the directory where you need to check folder sizes.
Just prefix the Linux command with: wsl <linux-command> <and-its-paramaters>
Example: wsl ls -lh
Above command tells WSL to list all files and folder in long list and display files and folder capacity in human readable format like KB, MB, GB or PB.
Sample screenshot for the above command:
That's it, explore WSL and enjoy the beauty of Linux tools in Windows.
Cheers! Take care. Till next Time.
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