One of the task of a Windows Admin is to know what OSes are running on his or her environment.
Aside from checking what type of OSes are running, making sure also that CPU and Memory on users computers are suitable enough, so users can be productive.
If the user doesn't have enough resources to run any software to do users tasks won't be productive at all since and may end up consuming a lot of coffee than doing their work. :)
So, as an IT Admin checking all these things will help to have a smooth operations.
IP Address is the communication link of the device to the router, and the IP Address also links to the hostname or computer name and will be ultimately linked also to the logged in user.
Example, deploying a specific software to a single user. IP Address must be known in advanced or else the software being deployed might end up in someone else computer and can be disastrous if the license will be tied automatically to the hostname or IP Address.
WMIC command below, will get CPU Name, IP Address, Operating System Version, Total Memory Size on the system and also the computer name.
Command below can be deploy as a logged in batch file and can be used as an inventory tool.
If need to be run as a logged in batch file script, the output should be saved to a common folder where all computers has the rights to save or write a file.
PSExec is also a good tool to connect remotely to the remote windows PC, provided winrm setting allows the remote connection and proper credential is also used.
Anyway, here's the wmic command to do the task.
wmic os get BuildNumber, Version, Caption, TotalVisibleMemorySize && wmic cpu get name && hostname && ipconfig | find "Address"
Notice that there are multiple commands in a single line and && (double ampersand) does the trick to do this.
Here's a sample screenshot of the above command.
Command has been tested to work both in windows 7 and windows 10.
That's it, WMIC is a great tool. Cheers. Till next time. Stay safe! and keep things up!
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