To check the SID for a user whose profile is not currently
login using WMIC, type:
useraccount where (name="user007")
Replace "user007" with the correct username to get the user SID.
The SID will be displayed for that particular user being
This will be useful if the profile for that particular user
cannot be loaded or corrupted and need to identify the SID for the corrupt user
Editing the registry for corrupt user profiles must edit the
correct SID or else multiple issues might occur to the system.
To check the SID of a currently login user; just open a
command prompt and type:
whoami /user
The command above will display the username and SID of the currently login user.
To check for FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name):
whoami /fqdn
The FQDN is useful for System Administrator to check which OU (organizational unit) the user belongs to.
To check the UPN (user principal name):
whoami /upn
UPN output will be shown like an email address, the username before the "@" symbol is the username to logon at user's workstation.
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