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Ubuntu Calendar

I was mingling with my virtual box with Ubuntu installed.

I found this calendar quite interesting and impressive.

I don't know whether this can be viewed  via GUI, nevertheless it is still interesting since the data can be viewed using the terminal window with just the simple cat command.

Here's the path:


Open a terminal and browse to the path above. cd /usr/share/calendar

Here's some of the calendar available, it's not a complete list.


View the calendar contents by typing the command below:


Sample output from

01/17     Justice Dept. begins IBM anti-trust suit, 1969 (drops it, January 8, 1982)

01/24     DG Nova introduced, 1969
01/25     First U.S. meeting of ALGOL definition committee, 1958

01/26     EDVAC demonstrated, 1952
01/31     Hewlett-Packard founded, 1939

02/11     Last day of JOSS service at RAND Corp., 1966

02/14     First micro-on-a-chip patented (TI), 1978
02/15     ENIAC demonstrated, 1946

03/01     First NPL (later PL/I) report published, 1964
03/04     First Cray-1 shipped to Los Alamos, 1976

03/09     "GOTO considered harmful" (E.J. Dijkstra) published in CACM, 1968
03/14     LISP introduced, 1960

03/28     DEC announces PDP-11, 1970
03/31     Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. founded, Phila, 1946

04/01     Yourdon, Inc. founded, 1974 (It figures.)
04/03     IBM 701 introduced, 1953

04/04     Tandy Corp. acquires Radio Shack, 1963 (9 stores)
04/07     IBM announces System/360, 1964
04/09     ENIAC Project begun, 1943
04/28     Zilog Z-80 introduced, 1976
05/06     EDSAC demonstrated, 1949

05/01     First BASIC program run at Dartmouth, 1964
05/16     First report on SNOBOL distributed (within BTL), 1963

05/19     UNIX is 10000 days old, 1997
05/21     DEC announces PDP-8, 1965
05/22     Ethernet first described, 1973

05/27     First joint meeting of U.S. and European ALGOL definition cte., 1958

05/28     First meeting of COBOL definition cte. (eventually CODASYL), 1959

05/30     Colossus Mark II, 1944

06/02     First issue of Computerworld, 1967

06/07     Alan Mathison Turing died, 1954

06/10     First Apple II shipped, 1977

It list some remarkable events for the computer world.

The calendar.australia lists the events for the public holidays in Australia, for the it also list important events in the music world.

Till next time guys..if you got some interesting tips share it. Or else it will get rusty over time.


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