Get folder size on Powershell is not a relatively straight forward task.
But with the power lifting of Powershell on the background process, you don't have to sweat a lot to get things done.
Getting folder size of a single directory is relatively straight forward in Powershell.
But if you need to get folder size on all the directories on the root drive is quite a heavy task.
Why is it a heavy task?
Powershell needs to get the size of each file in the specified directory and get the total of all the files.
So if you have a lot of folders and you want to get the size of each folder, Powershell will take some time to process.
But if you need to monitor a single folder and check the folder size capacity daily then this one-liner code below will help.
Get-ChildItem d:\Video -Recurse -Force | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum ).Sum / 1MB)" + ' MB'
Or use the alias:
dir d:\Video -Recurse -Force | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum ).Sum / 1MB)" + ' MB'
But if you need to check which folder is eating or occupying the space on your hard drive then try the code below.
First, get the full path of each folder and save it to a text file.
dir d:\ | where-object {$_.PsIsContainer -eq $true} | select-object fullname | ft -HideTableHeaders > d:\folder.txt
The example code above will list directories on d drive and get the name of each folder and save to a text file folder.txt. The headers are hidden so it will not be included since it’s not needed to process the data. Open folder.txt via notepad and delete extra lines on the last line.
Depending on how many folders listed on “folder.txt”, Powershell may take some time to process the whole data. Or you can delete lines on folder.txt to make the processing faster.
To get folder size Powershell will recursively check files or items on each folder, recursively check folders and subfolders will result to a very slow process and will solely depend on how may items each folder contains.
To get the size of the folder listed on folder.txt use this code below:
$folder_list = Get-Content d:\folder.txt
ForEach ($item_list in $folder_list) {
write-host $item_list
"$(( Get-ChildItem $item_list -Recurse -Force | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum ).Sum / 1MB)" + ' MB'
Sample output:
11.1155462265015 MB
D:\64 bit win 2012
24.4912233352661 MB
D:\70-417 html notes win2012
16.9938917160034 MB
If the files on the folder specified are too long then Powershell will throw an error.
The method above is okay to use on home PC or a client PC which is not connected to a domain or server. File resource manager or FSRM has the best way of getting folder sizes without sweating.
Till next time. Cheers..
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