Microsoft has provided an Speech Object Library that can
easily be referenced using Excel VBA.
To add a reference to Microsoft Speech Object Library on
Open the Developer tab or press "ALT + F11".
Or check out this link to open the developer tab:
On the VBA window, click on "Tools" and click on
And add the "Microsoft Office Speech Object
See image below on how to add references in excel.
If Microsoft Office Speech Object Library is not added, VBA
will throw a Compile error, "User-defined type not defined".
Once the reference has been added, create a new macro.
Click on the modules folder, on the VBA project window and
add the code below:
Uncomment the line to test different voices.
Option Explicit
Private V As SpeechLib.SpVoice
Private T As SpeechLib.ISpeechObjectToken
Sub VBAspeak()
Dim strVoice As String
Dim xMessage As String
Set V = New SpVoice
Set V.Voice =
'Set V.Voice =
V.GetVoices().Item(2) '--item number
will change the voice
'Set V.Voice =
V.GetVoices().Item(0) '--item number
will change the voice
xMessage =
"hello, hello! I need some coffee."
'V.Speak xMessage , SVSFNLPSpeakPunc
'V.Speak xMessage, SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak
V.Speak xMessage, SVSFDefault
End Sub
Check out this link on how to use Text to Speech on
Microsoft word:
To learn further about Microsoft Speech feature see links below:
Create Object Method Link
SpVoice Voice property (SAPI 5.3)
Speak Method
SpVoice Voice property (SAPI 5.3)
Speak Method
Cheers!!! Hope you make fun of the speech feature of VBA.
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