Automatic row numbering is quite straight forward.
Just type two consecutive numbers, even alphanumeric
Excel is smart enough to auto number or makes a pattern
sequence to insert values on the rows.
If there are hidden rows in excel and desired output is not
to include hidden rows as part of auto numbering, then this method will not
Then one option of course is to manually type the number or
the values.
But it would be much better to do it on one click.
If you need a time waster then do it manually, but if
urgency is required VBA will be a good option to automate the process.
If there are hidden rows in excel, it will auto number but
the hidden rows will also be included on the count.
Link below Microsoft provided a VBA code on how to detect
hidden rows.
To tweak the code just a little bit then auto numbering with
hidden rows will not be an issue.
How the code works, it will check for highlighted cells and
check the hidden rows in the highlighted cells.
Use the VBA code by highlighting the desired cells and run
the macro.
Excel will not put values on the hidden rows, thus the
number will be in sequence on the rows that are not hidden.
Here's the re-used VBA code from Microsoft website to auto
number not including hidden rows.
Sub xhide_autorow_number()
For Each cell In Selection
cell.Rows.Hidden = False Then
cell.Columns.Hidden = False Then
count = count + 1
cell.Value = count
End If
End If
MsgBox count & " item(s) selected" &
vbCrLf & "Auto Numbering Done"
End Sub
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