Finding MAC address of a remote computer on network via
command line is quite straight forward.
Using the built-in tool from Windows, administrator can
easily find the MAC Address of a remote computer on the network.
Nbtstat.exe is a file that can be executed via command
prompt to get the MAC Address of a remote computer.
To get the MAC Address for a single remote computer type:
nbtstat -A
| find "MAC Address"
Nbtstat can also get the remote machine name and MAC Address
automatically using batch file script.
Batch file script below will get the remote machine's MAC
Address and computer name using IP Address using the text file parameter.
Text file contents will just be IP Addresses, sequence order
is not necessary.
But it would be easy to use Excel file to type two IP
Address in sequence and just drag to autocomplete the last octet.
And just copy and paste from excel to notepad.
the batch file script below:
ifile.txt - will have the list of IP Addresses.
computer1.txt - will have the output of nbtstat which has
the MAC Address and computer name
for /f "delims=," %%i in (d:\ifile.txt) do nbtstat
-A %%i >> d:\computer1.txt
Likewise for Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection, the physical address value listed under this label is the MAC address for Wireless LAN adapter.
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