How to convert old servers or PC to a virtual machine?
SysInternal provides a free tool to convert Windows OS to virtual machines, in quick and easy way.
If you don't have budget to but a new hardware or a new OS
that supports Microsoft Hyper-V.
Then make use of Microsoft Virtual PC.
Disk2vhd v2.01 is a tool to create a virtual machine and
save it as VHD.
VHD file can be run using Microsoft Virtual PC or Hyper-V.
If you have old machines or servers that is not under
maintenance and we all know that one way or another machines will go south.
While the machines or servers are still running or you're
still given a chance to save them.
Disk2vhd is a cool tool, to save old machines and when time
comes that there life will be over.
Then you can just plug in the VHD and run it.
Dis2vhd is able to convert the OS to VM's while the system
is online. Downtime will not be a concern.
Conversion time will depend on the hardware and system
performance and the number of partitions that are included.
Links for the tool:
Disk2vhd tool
Virtual PC
Those are legitimate links don't download the tools from any
site or you might end up installing malware or virus.
It's free and available on Technet and Microsoft sites.
Hope it helps!! Cheers!!
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