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Showing posts from August, 2019

PowerShell regex count specific character or number

Example input is: 0009911000 $Input_Number = '0009911000' #[1] = tells regex to match on the right or look forward $xtotal=[regex]::Matches($Input_Number,'0+')[1].Value.Length #[0] = tells regex to match on the left or look backward $ytotal=[regex]::Matches($Input_Number,'0+')[0].Value.Length #Matches($Number,'0+') means #Matches($input, $pattern) Write-Output $xtotal Write-Output $ytotal Image output from PowerShell ISE: Above code works or matches if input is something like this: “0009911000” There are zeroes on the left and right and in between are any numbers or characters. For input like this: 0000991100010 in which zeroes are in different position of the string the below code will work. $Input_Number = '0000991100010' $xytotal=[regex]::Matches($Input_Number,'[0]*[0]*[0]+') Write-Output $xytotal Output will be something like this: Groups    : {0000} Success   : True Captures : {...

Print error 016-799 - Fuji Film Xerox

016-799 Fuji Xerox or Fuji Film print error code. That shows a description error as “Print instruction Fail detected in decomposer.” The error code and error description are alien languages for users and even system administrators who are not familiar with Fuji Xerox error code. The error code is quite simple and easy to fix, if the job print goes to the printer but print out doesn’t come out. So, basically the print job was received by the printer, but the printer just doesn’t know what type of paper or what size to use or which tray to utilize for the print out. In some instances, this is just a paper mismatch but the error description; if using Windows 10 to print does not exactly points to what is the issue. First thing to check, is the paper size selected by the user to print. Example, if the printer configuration is A3 and A4 sizes only. But then the person printing the file accidentally chooses “A4 Cover” then this error 016-799 will occur. ...

PowerPoint contact System Administrator error while opening the file

Office 365 PowerPoint shows an error contact system administrator when opening the file. The error if interpreted literally shows that a system administrator is needed to fix the issue due to a security or permissions issue. Notification errors or any errors that are displayed to inform the user that some processes have gone wrong while processing or opening the file are quite helpful to begin troubleshooting. But some errors are quite generic or does not really point to what type of solution should be done to resolve the issue. Literally interpreting the error to resolve the issue sometimes work but sometimes it won’t work as well. For this error it seems like a permission issue but it’s not. The first thing to try to eliminate the issue is to open the file manually, like going to “File”, select “Open”, then browse to the folder location of the file and open the file. If the file can be opened, then security issue or permission issue is not a concern. ...