If you ping a remote computer but fails, it could be that the firewall does not allow ICMP protocol.
Enabling ICMP or ping requests is quite useful for troubleshooting purposes but it could be also a security issue.
Enabling ICMP or ping requests is quite useful for troubleshooting purposes but it could be also a security issue.
To enable ping or ICMP in Windows Firewall with Advance
security, can be done via command line or using the graphical interface.
Command line is quite useful if the setting has to be done repeatedly
or it has to be done on multiple machines.
Command line will also be helpful if a setting has to be
enabled or disabled at times. Graphical interface is of course the easiest
method if it has to be done one time but if the setting has to be done a couple
of times then command line or scripting is definitely a good choice unless the
person loves to click and click.
Enable Ping response using command line:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow
incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow
Disable Ping response using command line:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow
incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=block
If ping or icmp echo request is disable on the firewall and some
program or any icmp or ping request to a specific device will always show
"Request time out" as a response to the ping request.
If ping or icmp echo request is allowed or not block, then
the device will response depending on its current state. For example, if the
device is online then it will response or reply to the ping request.
Cheers..Till next time..
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