Use "TZUTIL.EXE" (TimeZone Utility) to view the time zone set on the
computer via command line.
Open command prompt and type: “tzutil /g” (type without quotes)
And it will display the time zone that is currently set on the computer.
Example: c:\tzutil /g
Sample Output: Singapore Standard Time
Output will vary depending on the settings of the computer.
Example: c:\tzutil /g
Sample Output: Singapore Standard Time
Output will vary depending on the settings of the computer.
Type “tzutil /?” to view other options for the tzutil
To list all valid time zones, type: "tzutil /l"
(type the command on the cmd prompt without quotes).
To set a time zone via command line is to set: tzutil /s
"Valid Time Zone"
Example on how to set a time zone:
Tzutil /s "W.
Australia Standard Time" -- this command will set Perth Time Zone.
If got multiple computers that needs to set to the same time zone, a batch file with the command Tzutil /s "Time Zone Settings" will automate the process.
To list all valid time zone that can be set on Windows, type:
Tzutil /L
It will be a long list or you can type: Tzutil /L | more
The output will pause and press enter to continue then find the time zone appropriate for your settings.
TZUTIL command will work on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
But of course setting Time Zone can always be done also via
the graphical interface.
Open Control Panel and click on "Date and Time".
Hope it helps.. Working on command line sometimes, makes life easier if you're working on multiple computers.
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