Netcat is one of the best tools to check if port is open or not, and Netcat does offer also a lot of features other than port scanning. However, if netcat is not available on the system or it's not allowed to be installed. In Windows environment PowerShell will come in handy. Example one-liner code below uses PowerShell to scan a specified Target IP and also a range of ports to be scanned. To test the code, change the target IP as desired and also the range of port to be tested. 1..65535 | % {Test-NetConnection $_ } 442..443 | % {Test-NetConnection -Port $_ } Sample Output of the above commands: 1..10 | % {Test-NetConnection $_ } 442..443 | % {Test-NetConnection -Port $_ } Cheers! Take care. Till next Time. Enjoy exploring the world of PowerShell and enjoy the journey of learning.. Stay safe! and Keep things up! Do ASAP, A lways S ay A P rayer ... Practice O.T.G. = O be...
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