Advance Threat Protection aka ATP which is now called Microsoft Defender in office 365, is one of the licenses offered by Microsoft. If there are hundred accounts in O365, tracking which account that doesn't have ATP or Microsoft Defender license is just troublesome. Of course, PowerShell will come into rescue for this kind of issue. One liner code below in PowerShell will check which Office 365 accounts does not have ATP or Microsoft Defender license assigned. Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {$_.licenses.AccountSkuId -notcontains 'contoso:ATP_ENTERPRISE'} | Select-Object userprincipalname,licenses | export-csv c:\temp\office_365\no_defender_license.csv Replace contoso with your domain. Or run this command to see which licenses are assigned or available in your tenant. Get-MsolAccountSku | select -ExpandProperty ServiceStatus The PowerShell command checks which accounts does not have ATP assigned; which means that if you have 100 of guests or client user...
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