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Showing posts from May, 2019

PowerShell repeat spaces or characters

Example code of repeating   spaces within a string: $xrepeat = ' ' * 11 $string_with_spaces = “ Hello World of Spaces!!!” Write-output   $xrepeat $string_with_spaces Output image: To indent or tab a string: $Tab = [char]9 Write-Output "$Tab Hello Tab Indention!!!" Output image: To add other HTML character in PowerShell string: $Euro_symbol = [char]8364 Write-Output "$Euro_symbol Hello Euro Symbol in PowerShell!!!" Output image: ================================ Free Android Apps: Click  links below to find out more: Excel Keyboard guide: Heaven's Dew Fall  Prayer app for Android : Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android: ...

Excel Macro get cell values but skip other rows

Raw data that comes in pattern is easy to handle for further processing. For example, if you have a data that has final value in every 7 th row, so basically 1 to 6 is not needed and 7 th row is needed, likewise 8 th row to 13 th row is not needed and 14 th row is needed and the pattern goes on that every 7 th row is the final data from the previous 6 rows. If the pattern continues, it will be like: 1-6, 7 final value, 7 -13, 14 final value, 15 to 20, 21 final value, 22 to 27, 28 final value and the pattern goes on up to hundreds or thousands. It will be time consuming to get every 7th row manually. For graphical representation it will be like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 From the image above every 7 th row (green color) is needed and the rest is discarded. Other issue comes in if the data has to be processed further in another sheet,...