Working with a text file or text format in PowerShell is a good thing to learn. Getting or monitoring output from PowerShell for further processing or analysis and having it in text file format can easily be imported to other applications. Working with text or other format, requires these basic operations: S ave, Overwrite, Append and Save As. Save, overwrite, append and save as is a common operation when editing word documents, excel file and other office applications since it’s freely available on the menu of the application. But can we do this in PowerShell? The answer is a resounding, yes. So, how to do it? Examples below shows how to work with text files in PowerShell and do the operation mentioned above. Equivalent operations for Save, Overwrite, Append and Save As in PowerShell: ===Set-content ==== will overwrite the file ===Add-content ==== will just add or append something to the file ===Out-File ==== is like "Save As" since you ...
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