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Showing posts from May, 2017

Excel VBA copy or reference a value

Excel VBA provide options on how to pass value from worksheet to worksheet or from workbook to another workbook. To optimize or make the VBA code run faster is to make the worksheet interaction lesser. Recording an Excel VBA macro to copy and paste a value will have a similar output to the code below. Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro '  '     Range("A2").Select     Selection.Copy     Sheets("Sheet2").Select     Range("A3").Select     ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub what the code does is to select the cell on the active sheet for copying and select another worksheet and select the cell where the value will be placed and paste the copied cell value. Steps are: a. Select the cell and copy the value b. Select the worksheet where the value is to be copied c. Next step, is select the cell on the selected worksheet d. Paste the value on the cell Steps are absolutel...

Wanna disable SMBv1 to stop WannaCry

Link from Technet why SMBv1 should be disabled: STOP using SMBv1 Link below shows how to to check whether SMBV1 is enabled and how to disable SMBV1: How to disable SMBv1? - How to check if SMBv1 is enabled? PowerShell codes below is from the link above: Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 To check whether SMB1 and SMB2 are enabled: Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol To disable SMBv1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false ===================== Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 Requires Windows PowerShell 2.0 or a later version of PowerShell To disable SMBv1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force Or if you're not comfortable using PowerShell just open registry editor and do it m...

Excel find last row with value in a specific column

1. How to find last row with value using vba in a specific column? 2. How to find last row with value  using vba in a worksheet? The questions above are entirely two different scenarios. The first question will find the last row with value in a specific column within the worksheet. While the second question find the last row with value of the entire worksheet. The first question is applicable if you need to find the last row in different columns. Let's say Column 1 or Column A, or Column 2 or Column B etc. Example code below will find the last row in a specific column via VBA code. =================== 'command Cells(Rows.Count, 1) = find the last row with value in Column 1 for Sheet3 Dim last_row As Integer last_row = Worksheets("sheet3").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Msgbox last_row 'replace 1 with the desired column  'ex: command Cells(Rows.Count, 7) = find the last row with value in Column 7 =================== If you don...

How to insert landscape orientation in Word?

How to insert a different section or page in a Word document? How to mix portrait and landscape in a Word office 365? If you are writing a thesis, a report or an article that you need to insert a landscape layout in a specific page in Word document but your orientation all long is portrait and changing the orientation causes the whole layout to change. Inserting landscape in a specific page in a word document can be done by inserting section breaks. Let’s just make a basic example. Let’s say you have 3 page document and you want that first page in Portrait mode, second page in landscape and third page in portrait layout also. First, click on “home” tab, click the “show/hide paragraph marks” option or see the icon below. Enabling this option the section breaks, spaces and tabs will be visible. But what we are interested is to see the “section breaks”. In the first page position the cursor on the last area at the bottom of the page. In Word 2010, cli...

Cisco block telnet and SSH access

Block telnet and SSH access to the Cisco router. The user must have the privilege to change the settings or basically the admin user account. Block all (telnet and ssh):   line vty 0 4   transport input none sh startup-config (save config and will persist after reboot or shutdown) sh running-config (config is save but will not persist after reboot or shutdown) To enable or unblock: line vty 0 4  privilege level 15  login local  line vty 0 4 transport input telnet ssh Before rolling out to production be sure to test it out or else you will leave a vulnerability in your network. Cheers..till next time! ================================ Free Android Apps: Click on  links  below to find out more: Multiplication Table for early learners Catholic Rosary Guide  for Android: Pray the Rosary ...