Svchost.exe contains generic host processes. If the svchost.exe is accidentally close or intentionally close, then the system might crash or shutdown. There are times that svchost.exe does consume quite a lot of resources and eats up the memory on the system. Thus, it's quite tempting to close or kill the process. To kill or close a process forcefully via command line can be done using taskkill command plus the process id. Ex: Taskkill /pid 1234 How to know exactly which service or process the svchost is running? To check the pid and the process that svchost is running, type: tasklist /svc Tasklist /svc command will display the image name, pid and the services. Output example for tasklist /svc command: svchost.exe 1172 EventSystem, fdPHost, FontCache, netprofm, nsi, W32Time, Wd...
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