In or any programming language, if the program requires getting data from external programs, results or data from third party software that needs to be processed may or may not have expected desired output. For example, getting a string from a third party software. String is quite straight forward and it's quite basic. But the issue arises, if the desired output requires a specific string or text and other text should be discarded or deleted. Regex or any other methods might help on getting the specific text or data. One basic issue, if the string needs to be formatted in one line but a line feed or a new line keeps breaking the line. The first instinct that I think of, is to use "Trim" function but it doesn't solve the issue. Trim, Ltrim or Rtrim just delete spaces but it doesn't delete line feed. In VB.Net a line feed can easily be removed by this code snippet below: Dim strNoLineFeed As String = String_with_Line_Feed.Replace(vbCr, "...
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