Script below will use SendKeys in PowerShell, the old fashioned way. Script below will open a Notepad and type or send some string to notepad. It will also open windows calculator and do some calculation. Here's the script: #==================================== $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell #Call notepad and run it $wshell.Run("notepad") #Delay for 1 second Start-Sleep -m 1000 #Send keys to notepad $wshell.SendKeys("123 test 456") #Delay for 2 seconds Start-Sleep -m 2000 #Run Windows Calculator $wshell.Run("calc") #Set the window focus to calculator #Don't click or press the keyboard or mouse so focus will not be changed $wshell.appactivate("Calculator") #sleep again for 1 second Start-Sleep -m 1000 #Do the calculation by sending keys to calculator $wshell.SendKeys("5") $wshell.SendKeys("*") $wshell.SendKeys("5") $wshell.SendKeys("=") #===================================...
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