A quick notes on Vlookup Excel formula. Vlookup formula is quite useful to find and locate data on Excel. Table below will be used on how to demonstrate and use vlookup. But this basic idea is the same way you can apply even on a complicated or huge amount of excel data. First we examine the parameters of Vlookup. By typing Vlookup formula on Excel, Excel will prompt or display the parameters needed to complete the function. Let's try to simplify or use lay man terms for the vlookup parameters. In Excel 2007 that I'm using it displays these parameters below when I type Vlookup formula : =Vlookup (look_up_value, table_array,col_index_num, [range_lookup]) The look_up_value is indeed the value that you're looking for or the data you're trying to find. The table_array is the range of cells, or basically the whole cells or columns in which the data will be search. The col_index_num , is the data that will be returned once the look_up_value ma...
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